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Holiday Inn | South Bend Civic Theatre, South Bend, IN
December 8 - 17, 2023
Director/Choreographer: Nathan Mittleman
Assistant Director/Choreographer: Lenette Votava
Music Director: Liesl Bell
Scenic Design: Jeff Barrick, Ethan Brentlinger, Nathan Mittleman
Lighting Design: Ethan Brentlinger
Costume Design: Laura Pollock
Sound Design: Matthew Anderson
Properties Design: Alicia Walker
Stage Manager: Nora Noble
Featuring: Garrett Czosnowski, Lathanial Heisey, Alexa Liberi, Laurel Blankenship, Ezra Carrico, Wyatt Katzenberger, Dawn Hagerty, Phillip McFarland, Caroline Carrier, Kala Key, Andrew Galang, Esra Heisey, Julia Nurenberg, Leif Bassler, Libby Klesmith

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